Be true to self.

Ask your self are you following the followers? Blindly going along with what others say with out checking in to the facts? Do you buy clothes to look like a movie star to sports star? Know you are not a copy you are a one of a kind, think and be true to self loving self and your world. No need to be a copy when you are truly one of a kind there is no one on earth like you . You are a free spirit able to create your life.

Visionary Bryan Smith



What you think you become

Even a watch that is broken is right two times a day. You can change your life no matter where you have been or gone. The past is that the past gone. Time and the past are like holding a stone in one hand and sand in the other the rock is the here and now the sand the past. Open you hands palms down , let go of the sand and the stone . Now re- grab them You will find the sand is gone like your past. The stone can be grabbed, this is the present hold onto the present not your past.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Invest in self

If you want a better life invest into your self first and foremost, Learn all you can to empower your self in the field or work you are doing. Knowledge is power to all things just look to the great leaders of all time  they have always done or doing more self improvement to be at the top of what they are doing in business. Find a model to build your life on and get a mentor to help you get more out of your life.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Know your limits

Every thing on ones life is a reflection of how they behave with there thoughts and feelings, One cannot be bad mouthing people or talking be hind others backs and have a rich friendship. Nor can one create wealth if spending all the money you have coming in. As too with love you cannot have a healthy relationship if you are having an affair. To be truly successful in all parts of your life you have to be honest with self loving self and your world being the best in your life be it work home family and play. Have high standards keep your wants humble. Live with in your means. It is fact we all want something more out of life however having the money rather than getting on credit if true wealth too.

Visionary Bryan Smith



You can be happy if you want

Want a better day or even a better life?  Then change your thoughts to change what is going on in your life, this has been done by others and if they can do it you can as well all you have to do is look to the good in all things as well see the good. Stay away from the News, negative people and start to learn new and more positive ways to enjoy your life. Every day in all ways people around the world get off the pity pot and see the good around them. Come on and join us life is an adventure.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Life is awesome, Believe, Smile & Love

Start your day with a smile and a big “Thank You” when your feet hit the floor and with each step you take in your morning  routine, as will when going through your day. Living this way with an Attitude of Gratitude for every thing in your life. I give thanks of the water to brush my teeth, I give thanks for the company that make the utensils I need for all of this, I give thanks of the cup that holds my drink, giving thanks for the day the sun the trees the air I live in a complete Attitude of Gratitude for all and every thing that is in as will that comes into my life. I let the blessings flow into my life with this Attitude of Gratitude for all. Change you r thoughts to change your life, Keep smiling knowing your beautiful.

Visionary Bryan Smith

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Take time to see there point.

Observing people and your world not in a judgemental way but of a study to see how they think and interact in the world and society  today can give one insight to more of self. If you see the bad see how you can avoid become like or doing the negative. Watch those who do positive and pick up the good talents they have. There is nothing wrong in sitting back watching people. Do not gossip study for your self see there good and adapt what you like to see in your life. Go and be the best you can be help when you can learn all you can. Share you r gifts of joy.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Believe in a self greater than you.

There is but one true energy that all is a part of, What you call this is not as important as knowing and believing it is so. You may call this a God of your understanding, the Universe, perhaps one of the great profits spiritual leaders of all time Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, and Lao-Tzu and the ones today as well. What you call or think it may be from a Godly person on a thorn to the blue elephant or monkeys all serve as a reminder that there is something greater than self. Be the very best you can be in all that you do believing in your Divine is watching over you, So with this in bedded into you  work, play and live as though your God is right there watching over you. You are the Creator of your life and all that is in it.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Loving self, Taking what you need.

Gratitude and anger cannot be in the same place at the same time and space within your mind and body. To live in an Attitude of Gratitude is the essence of a healthy life in tune with your world and universe around you. Mastering ones feelings to anger, hate or things that do not serve you are taking away your spirit. Distance your self from negative people places and things. See the joy as well the good in life and this will become your life free to love your self and your world in complete harmony. Take time each day to connect to source energy. The path to happiness is an inside job.

Visionary Bryan Smith

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As you think you create.

What you think you create, Think the world is bad you get bad, think it is good you get good feel there is no love you get no love , If you think the world is filled with love you see only the love in the world .It all comes down to how you think. Want a better life change your thoughts to change your life. Yes it is that easy Successful people do it all the time. Be and create what you want in your life.
Visionary Bryan Smith

