Be the Love

Love means so many things to people we have the love of children , family and partner in life. As with some people love their job, their home, cars, cabins well the pets they have. Learning to love your self and your world and not to be of the world is in its self a great gift. Strive to be your best loving what you do and who you are in this abundant planet. Be the light so others can see your joy that you have for life share you r gift with the people around you daily.

Visionary Bryan Smith



The Way is your path Use the LOA.

The way to enlightenment is a path to all that you want and seek in your life  to allow yourself to be happy with who you already arenas that you are creating into your life. The way will also create happiness wealth ad you can have great health your success will grow no  matter what. Living a positive life is a great gift you give to your self form this you can be of better serve to the world.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Give because it is in you to give.

Keep a happy heart and soul for your self  then give your smile to the world, be the person you want to meet and have in your life. Pay it forward do something  for someone without want of pay back  give because you can.  If you feel you have nothing to give you always have a smile and a kind word. Be the light that shines for all to see. Have an Attitude of Gratitude.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Start your day with a smile

Our  days have been good to us with a few bumps but that is life we  have the universe and all that is in it to enjoy in any way I see fit, If we seek love peace and happiness we get it if we think negative we get what we ask and create. This is the Law of Attraction you get back what you put out. Simply by changing your thinks you can change your day and even your life to be the best ever. Get up and smile knowing you are this creator of your life and all that is in it once you master this you have mastered your life.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Moving onLife is amazing

No matter what is going on in your  life remains happy , victims do not get ahead change your thoughts to change your life Don’t focus on what has gone wrong but what has been going right. look for something positive in your life. Live with an Attitude of Gratitude. Boost your thoughts into a higher level to attract more into your life.

Visionary Bryan Smith



Your feelings are telling you what is coming

How you feel is telling and letting you know of what you are attracting if your not feeling good  you attract more of this bad feelings, Even if you are having a very bad day and you feel nothing is going your way. Stand back and look at your blessings a simple change of thought can turn a bad day into a good day. Stay blessed do your best to stay positive and better days will follow.

Visionary Bryan Smith



I am my own creator

How I have now become to living my life, One day at a time with an Attitude of Gratitude for all I have and things to come. I know fully I am the Creator of my life and all that is in it past present and future. I see as will know life can be gone in a heart beat so I enjoy each moment, if I don’t like something I have the power not to give that what I dislike power over me. With each day I do see the gift of this never been used day just for me to do as I wish, my wish is to help others and help my self to be ever better than I was. Blessings to you and your family.

Visionary Bryan Smith

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Allowing the LOA to work not you working it

Getting the most out of the Law of Attraction takes action, You cannot simply go read one or two books or movies then buy a lottery ticket not win and say it don’t work!  You have to be come a spiritual being to attract what you want. If you want money then get rid of debt stop using credit you can and will never win that game. You are like a dimmer switch if you want more light you have to turn up the dial start slowly and as you master each step along the way give it another click brighter. Learn to allow the Universe to bring things into your life. Master spirit this so some takes time others faster they have no clutter in the mind to remove. Be what you want to be think act and do as you would if you already have it in your life.This is the root to the rout of the Law of Attraction. And slow down all good things take time breath ad know you already have it.

Visionary Bryan Smith

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Spiritual awaking’s daily

We do recover to have a spiritual awaking ~ some just plug the jug others see the light and the door that was opened to them and use it to be the best they can be in all parts of life. To become one with all and be really rich with spiritual wealth is true richness have a life filled with compassion. This is richness having and living with an Attitude of Gratitude. Let your story be someones guide.

Visionary Bryan Smith

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No more thinking just get out and do it

The hammer will not swing its self, nor the nail enter into the wood, It takes action from an out side source to have the two create and action than bonds the wood. One will not achieve greatness life with out action, taking control of ones life and all that is in it. You are far more powerful than you have been told. Learn just what you can achieve with action using the Law of Attraction in your life create the best life starting now.

Visionary Bryan Smith

