I small plan for tomorrow.

Have you planned your day or your week or even longer into your future? If something were to happen are you ready with food and enough for a 3 mouth time? or are you like so many going hand to mouth? You can afford to set your self up for hard times start by removing what you don’t need until you have a safety zone the buffer, You don’t need cable tv and cut corners on inter net even better find a free place until you have your goals and safety zone in hand simple thing for hard tie will be more than worth it if the unexpected happens.
Visionary Bryan Smith


No matter how you feel get up and do better than yesterday.

One can not always be at their best but yet again we can do our best in all we are doing, your attitude to how you approach things in your life be it work home or play is key to your personal success, Greet each day as the gift that it is know too you only get this once in a life time chance to build a better life repair damage of the past and have a healthy life knowing that you have done your very best to achieve your own personal greatness. Each step we take to better our lives is the best step we can take daily so smile and have that Attitude of Gratitude for this abundant life.
Visionary Bryan Smith


Start your day with being true to self.

Often people trying to be happy go for being the centre of attraction rather then pleasing them self in fact they are taking away from self by trying to be what they are not. Happy people enjoy the company of others yet not having the need to be the focus point, being the look at me person. Happy people are content as they are with who they are in their lives loving them selves and their world in a healthy way. Be joyful in life master the art of being true to self and loving self may the joy of life shine on you when you please your self not the glory seeker.
Visionary Bryan Smith


Stop following and lead take control of your life.

If you are not finding your self being grateful for what you have now you are going to have a hard time finding happiness, Be grateful for who you are, where you are in life and if your job isn’t what you are wanting start actively looking for what you love to do rather than complaining all the time change it start by changing your thoughts to change your life be happy for you can see that you do want change step out and create happiness with creating your life and live with that al important Attitude of Gratitude.
Visionary Bryan Smith


Thoughts build your world.

The choices you make in life are a life time event so make them good healthy choices that will work for you through out your life. Chose a positive way of life following the best path in all you are doing striving to be only better than self daily building a life filled with success, health, wealth and happiness, as will life with that Attitude of Gratitude.
Visionary Bryan Smith


No job needs you, it is you that needs the job strive to be better than.

Your job may not always be there for you so thinking your job or minimum wage lower end job that you think you should be making maximum wages and you think that you are the only one who can do it well, R2D2 just took over or an accident that takes you out of the work force , This is when you need to take an hour each day to learn something new, greater than what you know, the truly wise learn that in the 24 hour day you give 8 to work, 8 to sleep, 7 to your family and take one for self to learn those who think not are the ones left behind when changes come. The world waits for no one so be on the top of things it is your life and your income that depend on you learning as well staying ahead of the changes that come. Be more and do more than what is asked of you.
Visionary Bryan Smith


Shine like the new day that comes to you.

The dawning of a new day unfolding before you this is your chance to set out a plan of what your day will being in to your life think go greatness Happiness and wealth coming your way see opportunity opening its doors unto you, no one but self has the ability to build this day for you other than self look in the minor deep into your own eye and tell your self this will be the greatest day in my history telling your self all you wish to accomplish ending with saying your name and “I love you ______- ” May the joy of life be with you always plus Keep smiling you are beautiful.
Visionary Bryan Smith


Thinking you have it all you will.

You have the power in your thoughts ands actions to create your day in any form you wish you can choose to have a bad day by thinking and believe ing negative thoughts and watch g negative shows. Or Choose The Right live a healthy way of thinking and positive actions in your life and day and you will find no matter what comes you are cheerful and feeing blessed with all that is coming to you and you see how good life is with this Attitude of Gratitude you can over come anything that comes.
Visionary Bryan Smith

Think Rich to be Rich.

Whatever the financial situation you are currently in remember this is only your current situation you still have time and energy to change it is you change how you feel and act around and with money. Changing your thoughts and your attitude about money is a big key yo having more in your life. Start with bills look at them as the gifts you have in your life and know you are the one who invited them so make a healthy plan to pay them fast as you can and do more then just pay in most cases you can over pay giving you a graces for when time may be hard no that hard times come but have a back up old long before you need as well in no time you will have squirrelled away here n there as little gifts to you later on. Try this first step to riches and what your money work for you rather than you for money.
Visionary Bryan Smith


Ask are you the bug or the windshield.

One needs to have a dream, that goal in life or you are just like a hamster in a cage, yet even the tiny hamster has goals of running in its wheel! So now you have to ask your self what do I truly want in my life? Then set out a goal list a dream board something to get you motivated to achieving something in your life, only dead fish go with the flow.
Visionary Bryan Smith